Kids Need Kiwanis!

Joe M – As a high schooler, I was part of a musical program that presented to a Kiwanis Club (in Monona, Ia).I had no idea that connection would be reunited several years later when I was asked if I would consider becoming active myself in Kiwanis International (in Nevada, Ia).  For 40 years I’ve never regretted being part of a group of Kiwanians that learns, and cares, and serves kids and community both locally and worldwide with its projects.Our Kiwanis club reminds me of that anonymous quote:  “you can pretend to care, but you can’t pretend to show up” as our club continually shows up to care for others. 

Communities Need Kiwanis

Brenda H – Kiwanis has been part of my life since grade school. My dad was an active Kiwanian in the Tama-Toledo area and my family attended Kiwanis International Conventions in Montreal and Atlantic City in the 1970s.  My daughter, Leah, was active in the Nevada Key Club in the early 2000s and served as president for two years. I officially joined the Nevada club in 2005 and am not sure why I didn’t join sooner!  It’s an active organization that helps make our community and our world a better place to live. The Nevada club is a great group of people willing to help in so many ways and oftentimes our hands get dirty in the process! We enjoy laughing and serving and making a positive difference. 

The World Needs Kiwanis

Jody M – I joined because I was familiar with Kiwanis since my husband was a member.  Our daughter and I helped with many projects and we got to know really nice people.  I stay with Kiwanis because it enables me to serve children and families in my community and around the world in ways I could not alone.  And I continue to meet a lot of really great people from all over the world who have true servant hearts!
